Forthcoming rides and events

We add to our programme of rides and events during the year so please check back regularly to see what we’re planning.  We usually do a couple of evening rides for over 18s for a drink in the Lea Valley and some family rides.  Below is the list of confirmed and planned rides & events as at April 2024.

Bike breakfast – Sunday 28 April 2024

Come and join us in Highbury Fields for a croissant, coffee and chat and let us know what improvements you’d like to see in Islington’s cycling provision.  We will have The Map ready to mark up with comments !

AGM, quiz and raffle – Wednesday 8 May 2024

Full details here !  and registration open here.

All welcome for a very social evening with a quiz and chance to win some fab prizes in our raffle.

London Freecycle – Sunday 26 May 2024

We will be running a feeder ride to the start of the annual one-day out of 365 when central London is car-free.  Fun festival atmosphere.  More details to come. Sign up for our feeder ride AND for Freecycle.

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 12 June – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Informal summer solstice ride to Richmond – Wednesday 19 and Friday 21 June 2024 – 1800 at the Boer War memorial, Highbury Fields

Ride with leaders John and Steve to Richmond to meet hundreds of cyclists looking at the sun go down on the longest day of the year.  Come at own risk, no marshals. Overground home !

  1. Wednesday 19 June – informal Summer solstice led ride to Richmond Hill to meet other LCC groups and watch the sun go down. Contact Steve direct:
  2. Friday 21 June – Informal Summer solstice led ride to Richmond Hill to watch the sun go down. Contact John direct:

Post election ride

Friday 5 July – “Post election” evening ride (over 18s only) with pub stop(s) – details tbc

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 10 July – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Family ride – Saturday 27 July – to Wray Crescent

Short ride to Wray Crescent Community event –  details tbc

Get in Olympic cycling mood ride – Friday 2 August – evening ride

Evening ride (over 18s only) with pub stop(s) full details tbc

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 14 August – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 11 September – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 9 October – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Saddle & Sole festival – Sunday 11 September – Highbury Fields

Come and talk to us about cycling in the borough !  More details tbc

Blackberry ride – date in October to be confirmed

We have had a couple of fun blackberry picking rides in October and plan to do so again this year.  More details to come.

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 13 November – 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.

Monthly meeting – Wednesday 11 December- 1900 in the Town Hall

All welcome to talk about all things cycling in Islington.


I-Bike run monthly rides, usually from outside the National Theatre, each with a different theme;  keep up to date here.