A list of reference documents in reverse chronological order:
18/10/2018 (LIP) Local Implementation Plan, Officers Report, Itemisation and costs: LIP, Cycling programme (including grid and quietways), Bus programme, Residents Impact Survey
xx/xx/2018 Mayor’s Transport Strategy March 2018 | Cycle Action Plan Dec 2018 |
17/10/2017 (LIP) Local Implementation Plan, Cycling and Bus priority programmes 2018-19 | 2018-19 LIP itemisation and cost pdf | 2018-19 TfL Cycle Improvement programme pdf
16/10/2017 Islington’s response to the Draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy
27/07/2017 TfL Info for boroughs – Liveable Neighbourhoods | press release
xx/06/2017 TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis Identifying future cycling demand in London | Interactive Google maps with images from the SCA overlaid courtesy of Camden Cyclists
2017 TfL’s Info for boroughs – Local Implementation Plans includes guidance on Third LIPs
xx/03/2017 TfL’s Analysis of Cycling Potential 2016
20/10/2016 LIP (Local Implementation Plan) Transport Delivery Plan 2017-19 | Description pdf | Itemisation and cost pdf
2016 Cycling In Islington a static page on Islington Council website outlining broad infrastructure improvement plans
08/10/2015 Quick wins (map) submitted by CI to Islington Council as requested
10/07/2014 TfL Funding for Cycling Improvements (2014/15 –2015/16) pdf -includes £2m TfL funding for Central London Grid and QW2.
06/05/2014 Space for Cycling ward asks, Labour responses – with status updates from CI in 2017
17/10/2013 LIP (Local Implementation Plan) Transport Delivery Plan 2014/15 to 2016/17 | Description pdf | Itemisation and cost pdf
xx/03/2012 Islington’s Transport Strategy Local Implementation Plan 2011 to 2031 109 pages | CI response
21/10/2010 LIP (Local Implementation Plan) Transport Delivery Plan 2011-13 | Itemisation and cost pdf with wacky formatting. Includes funding from Sustrans for Connect2.
20/04/2006 Islington’s Sustainable Transport Strategy (policies only)
By way of comparison…
xx/xx/2019 Camden Transport Strategy 2019-2041 | main pdf
xx/11/2018 Camden Draft Transport Strategy 2019-2041
14/11/2017 Haringey Local Implementation Plan Annual Spending Submission for Transport 2018/19
17/10/2017 Camden Local Implementation Plan Programme of Investment for 2018/19 to 2019/20 | Appendices – LIP itemisation and cost pdf | 2018-19 TfL Cycle Improvement programme pdf
02/02/2016 Tower Hamlets LIP 2015/19 scroll down to get to the itemisation and costs. It also includes funding from TfL’s ‘Major Schemes’ budget.
2015 Hackney Transport Strategy 2015-2025 which includes separate Liveable Neighbourhoods and Cycling strategies
19/09/2014 Camden Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Annual Spending Submission 2015-16 to 17/18 | Description pdf | Itemisation and cost pdf
Note the 28 identified cycle schemes held in reserve.