Our summer and autumn calendar – looking busy !

We’ve a busy schedule and would love to see you at some of the events and rides we’ve got lined up over the next few months.  Have a look below and see what’s on offer – we’ve something for everyone !

  • 27 July – Wray Crescent Community event with family feeder ride  so please sign up on the link. We will share part of this ride with the local Joy Riders team;  they now have access to some bikes locally which is excellent news.
  • 2 August – “Get into Olympic spirit” evening ride for over 18s.  Channel your chariots of fire !  SIgn up on the link.
  • 10 August – Summer picnic and blackberrying family ride details to come
  • 24 August (iBike London) Summer Social Ride – we may be doing a feeder ride but if not, come along anyway !
  • 21 September – joint outreach event with our sister groups in Hackney and Haringey at Finsbury Park Run;  this is to highlight the lethal junction at Finsbury Park
  • 22 September – Saddle & Sole Festival in Highbury Fields
  • 22 September (iBike London) Kidical Mass for Car Free Day
  • 24 September – Zoom presentation at Active Travel Cafe. Some CI members went to Paris in May for a ride round the inspirational cycle routes provided by the Paris Mayor and will be talking about the trip, along with other participants from Brent, Joy Riders and Oxford.
  • 26 September – St. Mary’s Festival + Dr. Bike drop in
  • date tbc October – Gillespie Park Apple Day + feeder ride
  • date tbc October – Freshers’ week – details to come
  • 26 October (iBike London) Halloween Ride
  • 14 December (ibike London) Santa Ride