Annual Accounts

Accounts 2023/24


Bike Breakfast Materials 28.97

Croissants for Bike Breakfast 37.80

AGM food 145.90

Donation to Flight Free Charity 175.00

British  Rail bridge fliers 55.00

Clown Hands 28.90

Cycle Islington Sail flag 166.14

Pin Badges from LCC 63.00

Mildmay fliers 33.00

TSO Host website expense 59.99

Hall Hire – forthcoming AGM 198.00

Total 991.70


Donations from members including Gift Aid 675

Income from AGM 481.51

LCC – grant to Cycle Islington 365.90

LCC – for leading group ride 180.00

LCC – Testing ‘Stripe’ (Credit card payments via LCC) 0.78

Income from Saddle and Sole event 5.50

Total 1,708.69

Opening balance at 1/04/23 1,548.67

Closing balance at 31/03/24 2,265.66


Accounts 2022/23


AGM Expenses 217.60

Printing Expenses 9.45

“Business” Cards 18.60

Printing Expenses 65.10

Website expense 59.99

Total 370.74


Gift Aid from donation previous year 125.00

Grant from LCC (based on membership numbers) 368.30

Anonymous Donation 500.00 plus Gift Aid 125.00 = 625.00

Total 1143.30

Opening balance at 1/04/22 801.11

Closing balance at 31/03/23 1,548.67


Accounts 2021/22


Domain Name 59.99

Web-hosting 8.34

Printing expenses 162.80

Printing expenses 248.42

Printing expenses (shared with Camden Cycling Campaign) 39.00

Total 518.55


Grant from LCC 362.90

Donation 500.00

Total 862.90

Opening balance at 1/04/21 456.76

Closing balance at 31/03/22 801.11

Accounts 2019/20


AGM Expenses 64.45

Donation to Ride High Charity (AGM Speaker’s) 50.00

Room Hire WPCA (Marshall Training 50.00

Domain Name Fee 7.19

Web Hosting Charge 49.99

Total £221.63

Opening Balance at 31.03.19  £ 1,119.06

Closing Balance at 31.03.20 £ 897.43


1. We didn’t take any money from LCC/Tfl for leading Skyride.

Accounts 2018/9

Income 2018/9

Payment for leading Skyride              180.00

Total                                                  £180.00

Expenditure 2018/9

Canal festival stall hire                       45.00

Christ Church hall hire for hustings   70.00

Donation to Wheels for Wellbeing    50.00

Web hosting expenses                       67.18

Total                                                 £232.18

Balance of Account at 31.03.18     £1171.24

Balance of Account at 31.03.19     £1109.06


Accounts 2016/7

Income 2016/7

Bank Interest                                          0.82
LCC Grant                                           382.70
Payment for Led Ride                   180.00

Total                                                        563.52

Expenditure 2016/7

Printing  fliers                                                         195.00
Catering Quietway Event and Christmas 24.45
AGM Catering                                                           82.66
Cally Road Festival stall                                      30.00
Angel Festival stall                                                 45.00
Website expense                                                     57.18

Total                                                                            434.29

Balance of account

At bank 1.4.2016        £1106.15

At bank 1.4.2017         £1235.38

Accounts 2015/6

Income 2015/6

15 May Freighliners Farm (Return of Deposit) 60.00
29 Jun Donation (Oliver Jones)                                  25.00
30 Jun Bank Interest                                                           1.12
30 Sep Payment for Led Ride                                   180.00
30 Sep Bank Interest                                                          0.87
31 Dec Bank Interest                                                         0.77
31 Mar Bank Interest                                                         0.73

Total                                                                                        267.76


LCC Space for cycling materials      55.00
Stall Hire Angel Festival                      45.00
Entertainment Safari Ride              150.00
Catering AGM                                        114.13
Signs and taxi for Bike Breakfast   16.00
Catering Bike Breakfast                      40.81
Bike Doctor Bike Breakfast               40.00
Catering Quiet Ride                               12.80
Catering various                                       56.00
Printing fliers                                           195.00
Printing fliers                                              65.00
Printing fliers                                           130.00
Printing fliers                                           130.00
Copyright Payment                                 57.00
Website expenses                                    75.24

Total                                                            1181.98

Balance of account

At bank 1.4.2015         £ 2,019.64

At bank 1.4.2016         £1,106.15


Accounts 2014/5

Accounts 2014/5


30/06/2014 Bank Interest                        1.61
30/09/2014 Bank Interest                        1.40
31/12/2014 Bank Interest                        1.32
31/04/2015 Bank Interest                        1.21
27/10/2014 LCC led ride payment 160.00

Total                                                                £165.54




Space for Cycling planning meeting and map             14.30
ICAG Banner                                                                                  66.10
AGM Catering and Presents                                              218.16
Little Islington Ride/croissants/drinks/cable ties     25.85
Little Islington Ride/cups & balloons                                  2.98
Space for Cycling materials                                                   75.00
Angel Festival stall hire                                                            45.00
Bike breakfast/mechanics & croissants                       422.50
Bike breakfast/tea, juice, presents & taxi                      22.96
Catering Christmas meeting                                                 25.71
Basket fruit and token – Victoria                                         28.11
Archway campaign/photocopying/cable ties              22.95
Hire of Freightliners [advance inc. 60.00 deposit] 120.00
Domain & Web Hosting                                                            49.99
Miscellaneous – no receipt                                                         4.50

Total                                                                                             £1144.11

Balance of account

At bank 1.4.2014         £ 2,998.21

At bank 1.4.2015         £2,019.64


                                                             Available to spend £ 1169.64