Desperate parking at Highbury Corner!

Cycle parking at Highbury Corner is in such high demand that we found 4 bikes attached to one stand. Since this photograph was taken, TfL has removed the barriers from the area, removing much informal parking.

Update 23rd May. No response from TfL or the politicians. Have just put paper rings on a load of bikes at the station with the facebook address on it.

Please comment below if you are affected so we can work out what to do. Think we’ll have to write to them individually.  (John A)


  1. this has been the case for at least the last few years,
    so surely if anywhere in islington needs a bike park the most its here!
    the question is what are you trying to do about it?

    1. Peter, we met with council officers and a ward councillor (LibDem) on site about two or three weeks ago to discuss extra cycle parking opposite Barclays Bank and the possibility of sheltered cycle parking in the adjacent brown site space over the railway line (streetview link below). Let us know what you are doing or come to a meeting if you want to collaborate.,+Islington&hl=en&ll=51.545975,-0.103147&spn=0.009208,0.017509&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=17.969195,35.859375&vpsrc=0&hnear=Highbury+Corner,+Islington,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.546112,-0.103094&panoid=PrKvBp1mkPZ5eO58E5eO5Q&cbp=12,3.29,,0,0.

      1. i know some of you campaign members have some good links with councillors and your efforts are commendable, it looks like theres extra space for more stands between the other ones at this exact spot, or am i incorrect?

  2. mmm

  3. I emailed Jeanette Arnold on 15th April 2012:
    I am writing to you as case worker for GLA member, Jeanette Arnold on behalf of Islington Cyclists Action Group. TfL decided to remove all the barriers from around Highbury Station and the roundabout. That’s fine and good but Tfl are not planning to install new replacement cycle parking for some months (at least that was the case when I last contactedthem).Meanwhile cyclists are struggling to find anywhere to park around the station. When I last checked last week on a slightly wet morning, there were a few spaces available hidden at the bottom of Highbury Fields. It is infuriating that TfL should think that it’s OK to remove barriers outside a major transport hub without providing replacement parking.  It sends ALL the wrong messages to cyclists who are trying to choose the healthy, sustainabletransport option. Please could you contact TfL about this before the good weather kicks in and the number of cyclists rises further.

    Here is a related post:

    Jeanette Arnold tweeted back that this was the kind of thing that gave Tfl a bad reputation. But have had no other reply.

  4. Agree it is a problem – stands are not expensive and more are needed at all stations particulraly Highbury and Islington. Finsbury Park also a problem as many do not use the secure cycle park because it is not staffed long enough for new users to register. Am on to TFL about all this! Jeremy Corbyn

  5. TfL has written back to ICAG and said: 
    I appreciate the removal of pedestrian guardrail can cause inconvenience for cyclists when it has been used as an informal parking facility, however, this is not the purpose for which it is designed.  
    Pedestrian guardrail removal can provide safety benefits for cyclists, particularly at location where they may be trapped against it by large vehicles.  Historically, we have planned and undertaken guardrail removal projects to improve
    streetscape, as a separate activity from the installation of cycle parking.  In response to concerns, we are increasingly seeking synergies between programmes so similar problems to this do not arise again in other locations, as well as produce efficiencies and less disruption for road users.
    Regarding the pedestrian guardrail removal around Highbury & Islington station, I can assure you […] we will investigate the
    feasibility of providing cycle parking facilities at this location as part of 2012/13 cycle parking programme.

    And Jeanette Arnold’s also said:
    Sadly, I don’t think there is any more we can do with this at the moment. As they say, they will investigate the possibility of providing more cycle-parking spaces in the area and Jennette hopes that they will look at this closely. We will continue to keep an eye on the situation and would welcome an update from yourself after a few months if TfL have not acted and we can then chase them on this.

  6. From twitter:  look how Highbury & Islington Station celebrated #bikeweek The bike racks are still there.

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