Inspired by our #space4cycling campaign, several residents have written to Islington Labour to urge them to support measures in their wards. We share a few below.
Dear Islington Labour Party,
As a former Labour party member, and as a present ditherer between Labour and Lib Dem, I am disappointed by this response.
The “Go Dutch” principles are clear, and may be found at
I am not at all sure that the Labour Council’s history is particularly impressive:
· Virtually none of the “improvements” to which you refer in your letter have been carried out to “Go Dutch” principles.
· The 20mph zone is widely flouted, and rarely (if ever?) enforced.
· Provision of cycling facilities seems pretty low down the list of funding priorities. Cycle improvements seem to be entirely dependent on TfL funding.
More importantly, so far as I can tell, none of your responses to LCC’s suggestions contains firm commitments to prompt, well designed provision of cycle paths.
I was particularly unimpressed by the following paragraph.
“If funding is forthcoming, we will develop designs to create high quality routes. These could [not will] include segregation and other safety features. However, careful consideration will need to be given to any significant traffic displacement onto nearby residential roads. It is therefore crucial that all schemes that propose improvements are subject to extensive public consultation to allow local residents the opportunity to influence the types of improvements that are delivered, and to build support for any changes to local roads that impact on the local community.”
That sounds to me suspiciously like code for “business as usual” – i.e. give motorists the right of veto, and let cyclists fend for themselves.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Andy and Richard,
Thank you for sending me this detailed answer.
Dear Islington Labour,