Mince puffs and cycling chat !

Our final meeting takes place on Wednesday 11 December at 1900 in the Town Hall and you are all very welcome to come along.

What’s on the agenda ?

We’ve tried to make it a quicker meeting than usual (good luck with that !) but there’s so much to talk about including  the council’s 3-year LIP submission where there is lots to digest and our campaigning to date and plans for the killer junction at Finsbury Park. 

With local elections looming in 2026, how are our Five Asks going ?

And if you’ve never tried a Rabb’s mince puff, now’s your chance.  Seasonal, delicious and providing energy sufficient to fuel campaigners for another year at least !

Everyone welcome to attend the meeting and the after-party at Hoxley and Porter where tea/coffee/beer/gin’n’tonic/wine all available to aid ongoing discussions.

Hope to see you next week – how can YOU help Cycle Islington campaign for safer cycling ?



With thanks to Marta Wave for her photo.