Quiz winners on 8 May !

Some photos from our recent AGM, quiz and raffle !

The coordinator gives an overview of CI activities in 2023/2024

The quiz gets everyone thinking – over 70 questions to test everyone’s knowledge on many topics not only cycling songs !

Our neighbours from Camden and Haringey debating what answer to give but they’re flummoxed !

And the winners with our quiz master, John, on the LHS.

Congratulations to you all !


Full list of winners of the raffle prizes to come.


Our AGM and election of committee members will be followed by …. not a speaker as usual but  a quiz.  please visit the LCC  events page to register for the quiz ‘n’ raffle !  

Now we haven’t held a quiz before and can assure you that it won’t be purely about winners and losers in the Tour de France or Giro d’Italia or the pros and cons of various bike bits  … it’ll be wide-ranging and fun.  It’ll be musical.  It’ll be visual. It’ll test your general knowledge.  Once we have congratulated the winning table and given them their prizes (oh yes, prizes for the winners !) we will have our raffle with some cracking prizes including:

  • a ride with Sigi the cat and her chauffeur on a day/time to be confirmed
  • a free bike service worth £40 (parts excepted)
  • Steve’s signature cheesecake to be made freshly for one lucky winner
  • a cycling tour of Haringey’s fabulous murals with Ben, the local cycling coordinator, at a day/time to suit
  • a guided tour of the Trees of Finsbury Park with Lou at a day/time to suit
  • Susanne’s special carrot cake to be made before the end of May
  • a walking tour in Camden with a trained tourguide, Safeena, in June
  • the promise of Eilidh’s indulgent chocolate cake for a winner’s special occasion (GF version available)
  • a guided tour of highlights of the V&A museum with Nikke at a day/time to suit but before August
  • an hour’s nutritional advice on eating in a climate emergency with Ursula who is a member of the Nutrition Society
  • a talk with Mike about swifts and other London wildlife
  • with more promised experiences and goodies to come

For more details and to register for the quiz, please visit the LCC  events page.  We need to know numbers for insurance purposes and, as importantly, to ensure sufficient samosas are available !