Saturday 15 June 12-2pm
Free Dr Bike at Tufnell Park Farmers’ Market, Tufnell Park Tavern.
Sunday 16 June 9.50am The Little Green Ride met at Finsbury Park Station. We put our bikes on the train and headed out into Hertfordshire for an easy-paced ride of around 30 miles with a stop for a pub lunch.
Sunday 16 June 12noon-6pm Festival of Cycling – It included a chance to try out some fun and unusual cycles, free Dr Bike checks, bike security checks and lots more in Finsbury Park. Stall run by Haringey and Islington local groups.
Tuesday 18 June 7.30-9.30am Cyclists Breakfast at City Road/Goswell Road – There were free tea, coffee, croissants, information and a bike check at the junction with Colebrook Row. Also there was an opportunity to talk to Rosie Tharp, Strategic Cycle Routes Coordinator for Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways).
Sunday 23 June 10.30am Food, Glorious Food – an easy paced ride around Islington, started at the Highbury Fields Cafe N5 1SA. We visited a wide variety of food growing spaces and end at the Farmers Market for lunch.
10am-2pam – Islington Farmers Market in Chapel Street N1 9EN A free bike check and information on cycling locally. Look at our Facebook page to see photos.
For more information, contact Alison Dines – or 020 7226 7012.
I’m really looking forward to the food ride on Sunday – hope you are too?
Happy cycling!
Chris a.
I’ll come as a Viking. Anita