AGM – 8 May with special guest speaker – Eventbrite open now !

Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 8 May at 1930 in the Town Hall.  Formal proceedings are open to LCC members when we will go through our year, review the state of our finances and appoint office bearers for 2019/2020.  Following this, we are delighted to welcome our guest speaker, the cycling broadcaster and journalist, Jeremy Vine.

His Twitter feed with videos of examples of  dangerous driving and bullying of cyclists during his regular cycle commute is well known.  Jeremy will be talking to us why he loves to cycle even though his friends keep telling him not to, and why he believes, if we get it right, they will all soon see sense and move to two wheels. However he is all too aware of the opposition – whenever cycling is mentioned on his Radio 2 show, listeners seem to ring up in a diesel-powered fury. Why do so many people hate cyclists, and what’s to be done to get the haters cycling?  Come and join the debate !

As we expect a full house,  we are using EventBrite to allocate seats so when the room is full, it’s full !

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