At our monthly meeting in February, we were delighted to welcome a new member to Cycle Islington, Patrick Lawson, who as a London bus driver, shared his ‘View from his cab’ in an up-beat, enthusiastic and very engaging presentation. Thanks to some rapid tweeting by Chris, here are some of Patrick’s excellent quotes.
‘Just coming across the bollards on Liverpool Road a few months ago and I thought to myself – this is amazing. The council have done something great. Now what about Holloway Road? It’s still terrifying!’
‘I really like the cycle lane on Liverpool Road where you are protected by the parked cars. Despite a little risk from dooring, it’s very clever.’
‘People don’t understand what it’s like being on a bike as a vulnerable road user, travelling without a metal box. Some routes can be terrifying on a bike. For me taking a course helped me understand that I needed to be willing to take the middle of the lane. I encourage everyone to ride a door’s width out. ’
‘As a bus driver, it’s on me to really look ahead. To anticipate that a pedestrian might be distracted, might make a mistake. It’s on me, on all drivers, to ensure that a mistake is not a tragedy.’
‘Many bus drivers at our garage ride a bike. For me riding a bike is something I have done for many years. Sometimes to save money when I had very little, sometimes to help with my mind when life was harder than it is now. Now it’s not the money or mind…. it’s for my weight.’
‘As for me…. I need to get out each day. It’s good for me, and I have got a little work to do to ensure I am ready for wearing speedos this summer !’
‘Based in Tollington Park, I love cycling and I want to thank you for your work campaigning and fighting to make cycling safer in our borough. The plant boxes and bollards are brilliant, making it safe for children in the borough.’
With many thanks to Patrick who really cheered us all up, not just with his presentation and his views on cycling in London but with his infectious laugh.
Read more about Patrick:
Former homeless man becomes London’s Happiest Bus Driver – and thanks Islington Charity for helping turn his life around” Islington Gazette 2/1/19
Winning Hello London’s Prestigious Award for “Outstanding Customer Service 2018″