Next meeting: Wednesday 14 February at 1900

Join us at the Town Hall on 14 February for our monthly meeting.  Everyone welcome for a chat about what we’re doing, what we’d like to do and we want to hear from YOU too.  There are usually about 15 of us; the meetings last for maximum two hours and then we go over the road for a drink – soft or alcoholic – for further informal discussions.

Got a burning cycling issue ?  Want to know more about why C50 doesn’t go far enough ?  Don’t know what a dropped kerb is ?   This is just the place to get answers to your questions.

Look forward to seeing you there !


PS:  Make a diary note;  we meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 1900h, in the Town Hall.  But in May, we are holding our AGM in #TheForgottenNorth of the borough along with our first-ever quiz.  Make a note of 8 May now and we’ll update with more details soon.