Since October 2014 and while work was being done on Highbury Roundabout (now no longer a round about!), Highbury Cresent…
Islington Transportation Strategy consultation
Update April 2020; with the curent Covid-19 crisis we don’t expect to see the revised transportation strategy until mid-year; this…
Holloway Road consultation: TfL needs to hear from you!
What: TfL consultation on Holloway Road When: Respond by 8 September 2019 Ask: Support the green man and straight pedestrian crossings,…
Quietway 10 North Consultation
What: Islington consultation on northern half of Quietway 10 When: Respond by 15 July 2019 Ask: Support the plans, but ask…
Our response to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy
One particular issue is that Islington is reluctant to reduce through traffic for safe cycle routes by introducing traffic filters because officers and councillors don’t want to displace traffic onto larger roads. They fear the initial surge of displacement, prior to traffic settling back to old levels, would make noise and air pollution worse for the poorest residents in the borough. Of course, this leaves many residents without direct and comfortable cycle routes, guaranteeing limited modal shift.
Healthy Streets in Islington please
In Islington, there is an urgent need to strengthen links between Public Health and the Transport and Planning departments. We respond to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.