On Islington’s second most popular cycle route, cyclists pass an echelon parking bay on Drayton Park road outside shops which…
Use all locks on the Protectacycle Bike Store!
If you are using a Trimetals Protectacycle Bike Store watch out, make sure you use the main hasps! The shed…
Press Release: Connect2 at Finsbury Park offers poor value
PRESS RELEASE Connect2 at Finsbury Park offers poor value Islington Cyclists’ Action Group date 15 April 2011 for immediate use…
Take Action on Connect2 at Finsbury Park
The guidelines to the Connect2 project say ”Connect2 will create a new way of living, where people, and not cars,…
ICAG objects to Residents’ Roamer (TMO 3176 – Permits Validity in all Zones)
Dear Ms Obiekwe Thank you for inviting us to comment on these proposals. We believe that the majority of ICAG…
Lost permeability – Marriott Rd, Huddleston Rd and Huntingdon Rd
Whilst the council was previously spending money on making some roads more accessible for cyclists, elsewhere in the borough they…
Roamer parking – action now finished
Background Islington Council is changing its parking rules. At present, vehicle owners are obliged to pay for a permit which…
Budget squeeze, permeability schemes, ward improvement plans & Barclays bike hire
At the last Council/ICAG/Living Streets liaison meeting, last Thursday, council officers outlined big changes to the way cycling infrastructure was…