By creating a signed and safe route to school for children in Tufnell Park, we aim to integrate active travel into children’s daily routine. We aim to increase levels of children cycling and to reduce levels of childhood obesity.

By creating a signed and safe route to school for children in Tufnell Park, we aim to integrate active travel into children’s daily routine. We aim to increase levels of children cycling and to reduce levels of childhood obesity.
Here is a list of the Quick Wins and longer term schemes that we submitted to Councillor James Murray after he came to our October 2012 meeting. They are not in any order and are unedited!
Over 200 cyclists and pedestrians took a circuit of the Archway gyratory on Thursday 1 March, organised jointly by Better Archway Forum, Islington Living Streets and ICAG.
but TfL have got signals engineers trying to sort out the grid locking on the junction
Dangers still exist for pedestrians and cyclists wishing to cross Holloway Road; by the end of the month, the present road works at Madras Place and Fieldway Crescent will be, we hope, an unalloyed success story for local campaigners working with Islington council officers and Transport for London (TfL).
Ward councillors have been invited to request that the speed limit be changed to 20MPH on their local principal roads. We hope they accept quickly.
Islington Council’s cycling targets are dwarfed by Camden and Hackney.