Cyclist killed in crash as he rode to work on Camden Road, Aug 29th
Area wide traffic reduction in Highbury West moved one step closer
2) Consider model filtering to completely remove through traffic in the Highbury area (between Blackstock Rd & Holloway Rd) forcing…
Camden Rd protest: Richard Watts, Claudia Webbe: embrace change!
Cycle Islington’s Tab (@mum_on_bike) speaking at Camden Road protest following the death of
Our stall at Angel Canal Festival
It was great to welcome a whole range of cyclists to our stand, from Laura who cycles huge distances to Shikha who is disabled and relies on her electric tricycle.
Cycle Islington 2017 AGM
We held our 2017 AGM on 14 June when the following were elected to the CI committee – you can…
Bikehangar consultations are out!
Islington has just put up a raft of public consultations about the 18 bikehangars they are planning to install later…
Join us for Cycle Islington’s AGM on Wed 14th June
This year we pleased to welcome Laura Perry from the local Zero Emissions Network (see as our speaker. The…
Next ride 29 July to the London Freecycle
Like all local LCC groups, Cycle Islington will be leading a feeder ride to the Prudential Freecycle on Saturday 29…