Update 15 February: We had a full house and definitely felt the love for cycling ! Thank you to everyone who helped make this such an inspiring meeting.
Chris gave a splendid presentation on what we have been doing for the past 12 to 18 months and what we are planning to focus on. These slides are available here Cycle Islington – 2019 Welcome to the team deck.
Key messages:
- If you have an hour a week or an hour a month to help, please let us know
- If you have a particular skill you could share with us, let us know.
- Please get to know your local ward councillors.
- Try to join in commnity groups so that when we need to talk about cycling related issues, you already have the contacts.
- Try to come to our regular monthly meetings, our social rides or any campaigning we organise – find something which chimes with you and where you can offer some input.
- See if you can add any cycling terms to our glossary https://cycleislington.uk/wp-content/uploads/13-Feb-glossary.pptx
- Let us know if your councillor either cycles or is cycling-friendly and we will add to our Who’s who in the Town Hall https://cycleislington.uk/wp-content/uploads/key-contacts-at-Town-Hall-13-Feb-2019.pptx
- Planned trip to Amsterdam in early June – Simon is working on logistics and will send out more information shortly but if you want any further information, just contact us. The basic plan is that we set off from Islington on the Thursday, cycle for about 50 miles to an overnight stop, then cycle another 50 miles to the overnight ferry from Harwick to the Hook of Holland. We arrive on the Saturday morning and cycle the last 55 miles to Amsterdam where we have a celebratory dinner and stay overnight. People are then free on Sunday to get back home, stay on, do what they would like. We estimate that the approximate cost of the Thursday to Sunday morning will be about £200, but Simon is working on this. People will be responsible for making their own ferry/hotel bookings but we would all have the same information re which ferry and which hotel.
Our monthly meeting on 13 February at 1930 in the Town Hall will be focussed on the campaigns we are running in 2019. And to make these effective, we need help. There are so many different ways to contribute from an hour a week to an hour a month. It’s not just about meetings with the council on infrastructure (although this is vital), it could be to help manage our Facebook page, to work on our comms plans to encourage more participation, to create or lead social rides, to be on our stalls at local festivals to spread the word, to talk to your ward councillors and neighbours about planned routes, to give out leaflets …….
Do you have a friend with experience of campaigning and fostering local engagement ? Specific skills you or your friend can share ? Do come along and bring a friend with you.
At the meeting, we’ll be giving a presentation on what we want to achieve this year, more about our ongoing campaigns and we would love to see lots of faces, both new and people who used to be active and would like to get involved again. We’re a friendly bunch of people of all ages and sizes with one shared love, the love of cycling.
We feel the love for cycling – do you ?