What: Islington consultation on northern half of Quietway 10 When: Respond by 15 July 2019 Ask: Support the plans, but ask…

What: Islington consultation on northern half of Quietway 10 When: Respond by 15 July 2019 Ask: Support the plans, but ask…
#space4cycling Saturday 10th May This is the press release that was sent to The Islington Gazette and The Tribune…
Sustrans work some magic into the Drayton Park width restriction
People walking and cycling along Drayton Park were surveyed on Wednesday morning (20th June) by Cyclist and Pedestrian campaigners. Of those surveyed, 164 people (92%) felt the newly installed width restriction makes the road much less safe. 7 respondents(4%) said it was safer and 7 respondents (4%) felt it made no difference.
The width restriction on Drayton Park has raised a lot of wider issues about this cycle route. It’s also a…
Islington Council has introduced a width restriction on Drayton Park which falls below long established standards. Cyclists and motorists are brought into direct conflict as they jostle for position in front of the width restriction.